Dr. Philip K. ROCHE

Team: Écosystèmes Méditerranéens et Risques (EMR)

Skill area

Landscape ecology, Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services, Mediterranea Type Ecosystems, Fire Ecology

IPBES Expert, European and Central Asia (ECA) Regional Assessement, Direct Drivers

Researchgate profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Philip_Roche

Hfactor: 30

Scientific commitees



Defended PhDs

  1. Rathgeber Cyrille : "Impact des changements climatiques et de l’augmentation du taux de CO2 atmosphérique sur la productivité des écosystèmes forestiers : exemple du pin d’Alep (Pinus halepensis Mill.) en Provence Calcaire (France)". 1998-2001. Direction : Philip Roche et Joël Guiot (DR CNRS).
  2. Frapa Pierre : "Les entomocénoses des espaces ouverts de Haute Provence : étude de quelques groupes taxonomiques". Direction : Philip Roche et  Jean-Pierre Hebrard (CR CNRS).
  3. Le Mire Pecheux Lidwine : "Structure du paysage et la modélisation spatiale de la biodiversité végétale". 1999 -2004. Direction : Philip Roche et Marcel Barbero (Pr.). 
  4. Le Cuziat Joseph : "Modelisation de l’habitat potentiel de l’Outarde houbara dans l’oriental Marocain". 2000-2005. Direction : Philip Roche, Eric Vidal, Thierry Tatoni.
  5. Campagne Pascal : "Paysages de bocages et biodiversité végétale : rôles des réseaux de haies dans le fonctionnement écologique du bocage du Champsaur". 2003-2006.  Direction : Philip Roche, Thierry Tatoni (Pr.).
  6. Rivoal Annabelle : "Cartographie, Modélisation de la biomasse et Emission des COV des formations arbustives méditerranéennes". 2006-2009. Direction : Philip Roche et Bruno Villa (MCF, Univ. Aix-Marseille I)
  7. Nicolas Faivre : "Quelle pyrodiversité pour quelle Biodiversité ?" 2008-2011. Direction : Philip Roche.
  8. Samantha Bailey : "Forets et services écosystémiques - Effet des éléments boisés sur la diversité et l’abondance des pollinisateurs dans les paysages agricoles". 2010-2014; Direction : Christophe Bouget (Irstea Nogent) et Philip Roche
  9. Anne Villemey:   "Trame verte et papillons de jour en contexte agricole : influence du paysage sur la dispersion, la diversité génétique et la composition des communautés". 2012-2015. Basée à EFNO Irstea Nogent, Direction: Philip Roche et Frédéric Archaux.
  10. Sylvie Campagne : "Evaluation à échelle territoriale des capacités de la fourniture et de la demande de services écosystémiques: approche critique de la méthode des matrices de capacités et de l’intégrité écologique". 2015-2018, Basée à RECOVER/EMAX, Irstea Aix-en-Provence, Direction: Philip Roche et Jean-Michel Salles (LAMETA, Montpellier).


Ongoing and past projects

As coordinator

  1. 'Changes in landscape structuring and biodiversity dynamics in the Mediterranean region.' Approaches at various levels of time and space'. EGPN Programme ('Biodiversity Dynamics and Spatial Management'). 1995-1997 (24 months). Scientific director.
  2. 'Monitoring the ecological impact of various grazing pressures (EU agro-environmental measures). Research programme for the Luberon Regional Nature Park, in the context of the OGAF (Group Operation for Land-use planning) Environment, 1995-1999. Directors: P. Roche & T. Tatoni.
  3. 'Ecological system dynamics and land-use methods in the Luberon massif'. ARPE (Regional Environmental Agency) Programme. 1997-2000 (3 years). Scientific director.
  4. 'Grainland agrosystems'. Le Luberon Regional Nature Park Programme 1997-2002. (Directors: P. Roche & T. Tatoni).
  5. PAN: 'Pan European Network on Cultural Landscapes and their ecosystems', European thematic network, 5th plan. 2002-2005. Jointly contracted as project manager with the University of Bergen (Norway). Scientific director.
  6. DEB Convention: Project: Which biodiversity for which biodiversity? Programme funded by the Ministry of Ecology (MEEDDM) 2009-2011
  7. DEB Convention: Project: Bees and ground clearance Programme funded by the Ministry of Ecology (MEEDDM) 2009-2011

As WP/task leader

  1. 'Wooded linear structures: synthesis and valorisation of results'. Ministry of the Environment- EGPN Commission, coordination: J. Baudry (INRA-SAD Armorique), 1997-1998.
  2. FORMAT: 'Sensitivity of tree-growth to climate change and growth modelling from past to future'. DG XII of the European Community in the context of 'Environment and Climate'; coordination: L. Tessier (CNRS-IMEP). Responsible for Module 2: 'Data spatialisation.' Finished in 2001.
  3. DIVA Programme: 'Diversity and Agrosystems': The interaction of landscape, livestock farming and plant biodiversity'. Programme run by our team (EPBC) 2003-2005.
  4. European FP7 Programme: EBONE (European Biodiversity Observation Network), 2008-2012. Member of the Workpackage 6 Management Board
  5. European FP7 Programme: FUME (Forest Fires under Climate and Land Use changes in Mediterranean Ecosystems, 2010-2014, Scientific director for CEMAGREF, co-leader of WP1.2.
  6. ECOSCOPE Programme (Director of WP6: Harmonisation of protocol for French biodiversity monitoring with international systems), Project leader:  Xavier LeRoux (FRB).



Selected papers

Landscape patterns and ecological process

  1. Penteriani, V., Gallardo, M. & Roche, Ph. 2002 - Landscape structure and food supply affect eagle owl (Bubo bubo) density and breeding performance: a case of intra-population heterogeneity. J. Zool. (257), 365-372.
  2. Dutoit T., Buisson E., Roche Ph. & Alard D. 2004 - Land use history and botanical changes in the calcareous hillsides of Upper-Normandy (north-western France): new implications for their conservation management. Biol. Cons. 115(1) : 1-19.
  3. Le Cuziat, J., Lacroix, F., Roche, P., Vidal, E., Médail, F. Orshant, N. et Béranger, P.M. 2005. landscape and Human Influences on the distribution of the endangered North African houbara bustard (Chlamydotis undulata undulata) in eastern Morocco. Animal Conservation 8 :143-152.
  4. Aubry S., Labaune C., Magnin F, Roche P. & Kiss L. 2006 - Active and passive dispersal of an invading land snail in Mediterranean France. Journal of Animal Ecology, 75: 802-813.
  5. Campagne P., Roche P. & Tatoni T. 2006 Explaining shrub species distribution in hedgerows of a mountain landscape. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 116: 244-250.
  6. Duhem, C., Roche,
  7.  P., Vidal, E., Tatoni, T. - 2007. Distribution of breeding sites and food constrains size and density of yellow-legged gull colonies. Ecoscience, vol. 14, n° 4, p. 535 - 543
  8. Campagne, P., Buisson, E., Varouchas, G., Roche, P., Baumel, A., Tatoni, T. - 2008. Modeling landscape structure constraints on species dispersal with a cellular automaton: Are there convergences with empirical data?. Ecological complexity, vol. 6, n° 2, p. 183 – 190
  9. Campagne, P., Affre, L., Baumel, A., Roche, P., Tatoni, T. – 2009. Fine-scale response to landscape structure in Primula vulgaris Huds.: Does hedgerow network connectedness ensure connectivity through gene flow? Population Ecology, N°51, p. 209-219.
  10. Carre, G., Roche, P., Chifflet, P., Morison, N., Bommarco, R., Harrison-Cripps, J., Krewenka, K., Potts, S.G., Roberts, S. P.M., Rodet, G., Settele, J., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Szentgyörgyi, H., Tscheulin, T., Westphal, C., Woyciechowski, M.,  Vaissière, B.E. – 2009. Landscape context and habitat type as drivers of bee diversity in European annual crops. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment N°133, p. 40-47.
  11. Faivre, N., Roche, Ph., Boer, M., McCaw, L. & Grierson, P. 2011. Characterization of landscape pyrodiversity in Mediterranean environments : contrasts and similarities between South-Western Australia and South-Eastern France. Landscape Ecology, n° 26, p. 557-571.
  12. Villemey, A., van Halder, I., Ouin, A., Barbaro, L. Chenot, J., Tessier, P.,  Calatayud, F., Martin, H., Roche, Ph. And Frédéric Archaux. 2015. Mosaic of grasslands and woodlands is more effective than habitat connectivity to conserve butterflies in French farmland, Biological Conservation, 191:206-215, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2015.06.030.
  13. Duflot, R., Avon, C., Roche, P., & Bergès, L. 2018. Combining habitat suitability models and spatial graphs for more effective landscape conservation planning: An applied methodological framework and a species case study. Journal for Nature Conservation, 46, 38-47.

Bioclimate and species

  1. Rathgeber C. & Roche Ph. 2003 - Spatio-temporal growth dynamics of a subAlpine Pinus uncinata stand in the
  2.  French Alps. CR biologie 326: 305 – 315.
  3. Rathgeber C., Nicault A., Guiot J., Kaplan J.O. & Roche Ph. 2003. Using a biogeochemistry model in simulating forests productivity responses to climate change and [CO2] increase : example of Pinus halepensis in Provence (south-east France). Ecological Modelling, 166 : 239-255.
  4. Vennetier, M., Ripert, C., Maille, E., Blanc, L., Torre, F., Roche, P., Tatoni, T., Brun, J.J. - 2008. A new bioclimatic model calibrated with flora for Mediterranean forested areas. . Annals of Forest Science , vol. 65, n° 711, 12 p.
  5. Rivoal, A., Fernandez, C., Lavoir, A.V., Olivier, R., Lecareux, C., Greff, S., Roche, P., Vila, B. - 2010. Environmental control of terpene emissions from Cistus monspeliensis l. in natural mediterranean shrublands. Chemosphere, vol. 78, n° 8, p. 942 – 94
  6. Kheir, M., Roche, P., Ziarelli, F., & Farnet da Silva, A. M. 2020. Mediterranean coastal conditions and litter type drive litter microbial responses to drought stress. European Journal of Soil Science, 71(1), 106-118.
  7. Kheir, M., Lerch, T. Z., Borsali, A. H., Roche, P., Ziarelli, F., Zouidi, M., & Da Silva, A. M. F. 2020. Effect of monospecific and mixed litters on bacterial communities' structure and functions under contrasting Mediterranean climate conditions. Applied Soil Ecology, 155, 103681.

Plant traits

  1. Roche Ph., Diaz-Burlinson N & Gachet S. 2004 – Congruency analysis of species ranking based on leaf traits: which traits are the more reliable? Plant Ecology 174:37-48.

Biodiversity monitoring

  1. Bunce, R.G.H., Metzger, M.J., Jongman, R.H.G., Brandt, J., De Blust, G., Roche, P. - 2008. A standardized procedure for surveillance and monitoring European habitats and provision of spatial data. Landscape ecology, vol. 23, n° 1, p. 11 - 2515 p.
  2. Geijzendorffer, I., Roche, P. 2013. Can biodiversity monitoring schemes provide indicators for ecosystem services? Ecological Indicators, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2013.03.010.

Ecosystem services

  1. Geijzendorffer, I.R. and Roche, Ph.K. 2014. The relevant scales of ecosystem services demand, Ecosystem Services, 10:49-51, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoser.2014.09.002.
  2. Ruoso, L.-E., R. Plant, P. Maurel, C. Dupaquier, P. Roche and M. Bonin. 2015. Reading Ecosystem Services at the Local Scale through a Territorial Approach: the Case of Peri-Urban Agriculture in the Thau Lagoon, Southern France. Ecology and Society 20(3): 11. http://dx.doi.org/10.5751/ES-07694-200311.
  3. Geijzendorffer, I. R., Martín-López, B. and Roche, Ph. K., 2015. Improving the identification of mismatches in ecosystem services assessments, Ecological Indicators, 52:320-331, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2014.12.016.
  4. Campagne, C.S., Roche, P., Gosselin, F., Tschanz, L., Tatoni, T., 2017. Expert-based ecosystem services capacity matrices: Dealing with scoring variability. Ecol. Indic. 79, 63–72. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.03.043
  5. Roche, P.K., Campagne, C.S., 2017. From ecosystem integrity to ecosystem condition: a continuity of concepts supporting different aspects of ecosystem sustainability. Curr. Opin. Environ. Sustain. 29, 63–68. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cosust.2017.12.009
  6. Campagne, C.S., Roche, P.K., Salles, J.-M., 2018. Looking into Pandora’s Box: Ecosystem disservices assessment and correlations with ecosystem services. Ecosyst. Serv. 30, 126–136. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoser.2018.02.005
  7. Campagne, C.S., Roche, P., 2018. May the matrix be with you! Guidelines for the application of expert-based matrix approach for ecosystem services assessment and mapping. One Ecosyst. 3, e24134. doi:10.3897/oneeco.3.e24134
  8. García-Nieto, A.P., Geijzendorffer, I.R., Baró, F., Roche, P.K., Bondeau, A., Cramer, W., 2018. Impacts of urbanization around Mediterranean cities: Changes in ecosystem service supply. Ecol. Indic. 91. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2018.03.082
  9. Balzan, M.V., Pinheiro, A.M., Mascarenhas, A., Morán-Ordóñez, A., Ruiz-Frau, A., Carvalho-Santos, C., Vogiatzakis, I.N., Arends, J., Santana-Garcon, J., Roces-Díaz, J.V., Brotons, L., Campagne, C.S., Roche, P.K., de Miguel, S., Targetti, S., Drakou, E.G., Vlami, V., Baró, F., Geijzendorffer, I.R. 2019. Improving ecosystem assessments in Mediterranean social-ecological systems: a DPSIR analysis. Ecosystems, Ecosystem and People, 15, 136-155.
  10. Roche, P. K., Campagne, C. S. 2019. Are expert-based ecosystem services scores related to biophysical quantitative estimates?. Ecological Indicators, 106, 105421.
  11. Campagne, C. S., Roche, P., Müller, F., & Burkhard, B. 2020. Ten years of ecosystem services matrix: Review of a (r) evolution. One Ecosystem, 5, e51103.


  1. Roche, P., Geijzendorffer, I., Levrel, H. & Maris, V. (Eds) 2016. Valeurs de la Biodiversité et Services Ecosystémiques. Quae, Paris, 219p.

 Chapters in books

  1. Dutoit T., Gerbaud E., Ourcival J.M., Hill B. & Roche P., 2000. Field boundary effects on the composition of a species-rich weed community in southeastern France. In : White P.S, Mucina L. & Leps J. (eds.), Vegetation Science in retrospect and perspective, Opulus Press, Uppsala, Suède : 271-274 .
  2. Tatoni T., Roche P., Médail F. & Barbero M. 2004. Impact of changes in land-uses on ecological patterns in Provence (Mediterranean France). In : Mazzoleni S., Di Pascale G., Di Martino P., Rego F. & Burke S.M. (eds.), Recent dynamics of Mediterranean vegetation and landscape. Wiley & sons.
  3. Dumas E., Napoleone C., Jappiot M., Roche P., Dutoit T. & Tatoni T. 2003. Dynamique des paysages périurbains en basse-Provence calcaire: démarche méthodologique d’une approche combinée écologieéconomie. In: Vanpeene-Bruhier S. (ed.). Evaluation des risques environnementaux pour une gestion durable des espaces. Actes des journées 2003 de l’Association Internationale pour l’Ecologie du Paysage IALE France. Cemagref éditions, Antony, pp. 211-218.
  4. Buisson E., Dutoit T., Roche P., Duhem C., Campagne P. & Tatoni T. 2006 - The plain of La Crau, Provence. Cultural landscape in Europe. In: “Cultural landscape in Europe. Fields of Demeter—haunts of PAN”. Wildeshausen Ed., Germany
  5. Jansen, J., Losvik, M., Roche, P. - 2009. Vulnerability and resilience of cultural landscapes. Cultural Landscapes of Europe, Krzywinski K., O'connell M., Küster H. (eds), Aschenbeck Media, Bremen, Allemagne, p. 55 - 66
  6. Roche, P., Tatoni, T., Duhem, C., Buisson, E., Dutoit, T. - 2009. Provencal rural landscapes, southern France. Cultural Landscapes of Europe, Krzywinski K., O'connell M., Küster H. (eds), Aschenbeck Media, Bremen, Allemagne, p. 100 - 101
  7. Buisson, E., Dutoit, T., Roche, P., Duhem, C., Campagne, P., Tatoni, T. - 2009. The plain of la Crau, France. Cultural Landscapes of Europe, Krzywinski K., O'connell M., Küster H. (eds), Aschenbeck Media, Bremen, Allemagne, p. 96 - 99
  8. Maris, Virginie, Roche, P., Levrel, H., Geijzendorffer, I. 2016. Regards croisés sur les valeurs de la biodiversité et les services écosystémiques. In «Valeurs de la Biodiversité et Services Ecosystémiques », Roche, P., Geijzendorffer, I., Levrel, H. & Maris, V. Eds. Quae, Paris, 219p.
  9. Levrel, H., Roche, P., Geijzendorffer, I., Mongruel, R. 2016. Approches écologiques et économiques de l’offre et de la demande de services écosystémiques. , Roche, P., Geijzendorffer, I., Levrel, H. & Maris, V. Eds. Quae, Paris, 219p.
  10. Plant, R., Roche, P., Barnaud, C. 2016. Services écosystémiques et représentation des dépendances des êtres humains à l’égard des écosystèmes. In «Valeurs de la Biodiversité et Services Ecosystémiques », Roche, P., Geijzendorffer, I., Levrel, H. & Maris, V. Eds. Quae, Paris, 219p.
  11. Doyen, L., Roche, P., Tichit, M. 2016. Concepts et formalismes de la durabilité pour la biodiversité et les services écosystémiques. In «Valeurs de la Biodiversité et Services Ecosystémiques », Roche, P., Geijzendorffer, I., Levrel, H. & Maris, V. Eds. Quae, Paris, 219p.

Modification date: 08 February 2024 | Publication date: 15 September 2020 | By: Philip K. ROCHE