Our Themes and Research Objects

Hydrological risks: understanding of hydrological phenomena (Réal Collobrier catchment area); study and modelling of intense rainfall (rain generators, rainfall hazard mapping); regional knowledge of hydrological hazards (water resources and flood management in ungauged sites); distributed modelling for operational purposes.

Geomechanics, civil engineering, decision making, risk for hydraulic works: Understanding the physical mechanisms within geomaterials; experimental site research, multi-scale and multi-physical modelling. Numerical modelling at the scale of the structure, operating safety, mechano-reliability modelling. Methods and tools for integrated risk management in the context of decision support. Interaction between the structure and the environment, multi-risk management of systems.

Continental hydrosystems: Influence of local and global factors on biodiversity; physiological responses in response to thermal changes; community structure - functional diversity - sensitivity to disturbances; behavioural, genetic and epigenetic responses; tools and methods for the assessment and restoration of environments (state and functioning indicators, restoration of lake habitats, etc.).

Mediterranean ecosystems and risks: understanding and modelling the dynamics of Mediterranean forest ecosystems under stress in the context of global change; spatial assessment of the vulnerability of ecosystems and territories (risk factors, study of forest habitat interfaces, damage assessment, integrated spatial modelling); assessment of the state of ecosystems and ecosystem services (functions and capacity to produce services).