About us

UMR RECOVER "Risks, Ecosystems, Vulnerability, Environment, Resilience" mobilizes more than 100 researchers, engineers and technicians with multidisciplinary skills in environmental sciences, earth sciences, engineering sciences and ecology to study the interactions and couplings between natural and anthropogenic systems in the territories under study, and to develop cross-cutting approaches to risk management. RECOVER is supervised by INRAE and Aix-Marseille University.

Key Figures

  • Staff: 75 permanent staff
  • 15 to 20 doctoral students, about 20 contract staff
  • 50 peer-reviewed journal articles, scientific books and book chapters, 20 technical journal articles, 80 technical and scientific reports.
  • 400 hours of teaching per year (including 230 hours for regional institutions)
  • A technological research platform labelled in 2016 (Geomechanics-Geosynthetics).
  • Two labelled observation sites: The Réal Collobrier catchment area (OZCAR infrastructure - critical zone observatory) and the FontBlanche site run by the Ecology of Mediterranean Forests research unit (ANAE-France, ICOS).

Collaboration and partnerships

RECOVER is one of the laboratories of the OSU Pythéas, of the research federation ECCOREV, of the Aix-Marseille University Institute on Environmental Transition in the Mediterranean and has privileged links with the Institute of Mechanics. The laboratory has a privileged partnership with the OFB on the theme of lake ecosystems.

Main foreign partners: Complutense University, Madrid, University of Sassari, Sardinia, Italy, Universities of Sherbrooke and Lisbon, Department of Civil Engineering, Canada, University of Florida, USA, University of Delft, Netherlands, Deltares, Netherlands, BOOKU, Austria, CSIRO, Australia.

RECOVER has a strong national and international expertise activity within the framework of an agreement between INRAE and the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition.